Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Automating Features vs. Fundamentals

I have been in a lot of meetings over the past few years where inefficiencies in a few practices and policies were being discussed.  In terms of software development, there's a lot of things that can be done to improve how the code is written, deployed, and tested.  The meetings began talking about these possible options; however, after about a 10 minute discussion in the first meeting, everyone seemed intent on designing the tools specific to their domain and not the groundwork that is common across all domains.  Now, nothing is wrong for discussing features to standardize an approach and not reinvent the wheel every time; however, I have learned that the features are domain specific (albeit some may be more common than others) and it's the recreation of the fundamental code that saps a developer's energy, focus, and motivation usually. 

Years have went by and still the same people talk about the features without giving any thought into the remedial code that is common and takes the longest usually.  Between debating the aspects of the features and evaluating tools, such turned into analysis paralysis very quickly with very few realizing it.  Soon, the feature advocates turned more into idea zealots; preaching their views while not provided any acknowledgement to other opinions.

Because of all of this talk and no action, I began to run a few tests with some of my colleagues.  There were 3 projects that shared the same core project foundation in it's design but each developer was going to create their own.  For the sake of this story, we'll say that this was going to be a "professional" Hello, World console application that had to handle industry standard command line arguments (i.e. -? and a few others).  Each person took about 5-6hrs writing the basis of their console application; setting the proper output color schemes and the console output for the help information and other fundamental requirements.  Finally it took them about 1hr to do the actual project specific logic. Now, in this example, one could say that Developer-A creates it and then passes it along to the others in a copy/paste sort of way; however, the test needed to be done not only for time purposes but for implementation purposes since all 3 application bases were not consistent.

From these examples, we refined the foundations and eventually abstracted it into a Visual Studio project template.  The next time they they had an opportunity to use the template, it saved them that much time yet again.  This template was only the fundamentals and didn't have any actual features (no consistent way to do things like emailing or FTP services or error handling).  Later versions have added these features into it (or provided a model to make it easy to do a custom implementation) but the original versions were just the fundamentals.

In the end of this experience, the idea zealots were still preaching their features without recommending any solution to their implementation and we became more efficient by automating the fundamentals.  If you're looking to improve efficiency, try to find remedial, repetitive areas in your process and see about automating them.  Start with the fundamentals and then add features to it.  There'll be changes; however, if you Develop > Refactor > and then Abstract what works, you'll be in a much better place than if you stayed in a meeting room and debated about what features should be in the initial version of the script or template.  My Rule of Thumb from experience: Version 0 of any automation script or template should only have the minimum amount of features possible and focus on the fundamentals.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How I'm Learning F# - Working with .Net Objects and Properties

Over the past few months, I've been hearing more and more about the use of functional programming concepts and also languages like Haskell and F#.  While some of the initial musings that I've read revolved around how the concepts have been around for decades and that it makes financial and scientific applications easier to read and write, I couldn't find a good reason to start learning it for my typical line-of-business application design and development job or even some of my basic hobby projects.  Nonetheless, I kept getting drawn to the concept and have decided to focus on learning it.

This post marks the fourth entry of a series that I'll be writing to discuss how I'm going about learning F#.  While I'm not saying that my method of learning is ideal and should be followed by others, I'm just reporting how I'm going about doing it.  Over the course of this series, my goal is to provide other .Net developers a(nother) resource for learning the F# language as well as apply the language into some non-financial or scientific scenarios.


Series Table of Contents:

  1. Finding Resources
  2. Writing the First Application
  3. Interacting with the .Net Framework
  4. Working with .Net Objects and Properties


Project Overview:

In this post, I'm going to interact with libraries in the .Net framework to illustrate how to you'll be able to apply F# to functionality that normally may do in another language. Unlike the last project in this series that just brushed on using some static methods of the System.IO.File class, this post will be focusing on the various steps it takes to send an email message and working with the properties of the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage class.  In this example, we'll be doing the following:

  1. Instantiating a new MailMessage object.
  2. Set the To, From, Body, and Subject properties of the object
  3. Attach a text file to the message.
  4. Send the message via a SMTP server.

Throughout the course of this project, we'll be dealing with a large amount of F# syntax as well as a couple of assemblies from the .Net Framework.  This post will hopefully be pretty straight forward in the steps outlined above.


Starting With The Values:

To keep this example simple, I'm going to be declaring our To Address, From Address, Subject, and SMTP Server values first thing.  We will be using these values as we begin to set the object properties of our MailMessage object shortly; however, to allow for easier visibility, I'm setting these up prior.

let ToAddress = ""
let FromAddress = ""
let Subject = "F# Email Example"
let SMTPServer = ""


Instantiating Objects in F#:

Now that we have our values established, let's open up the System.Net.Mail namespace and instantiate our own MailMessage object. To do this, we do the following snippet of code:

open System.Net.Mail

let mm = new MailMessage()
mm.From <- new MailAddress(FromAddress)
mm.Subject <- Subject
mm.Body <- "Hello, F# Email"

Here we begin to see some new syntax in F#.  The syntax to instantiating a new MailMessage object is very similar to that of C# or VB.Net in that we are setting a value using the new keyword. Next we are calling the MailMessage's To collection proptery's method of Add() to add our address we assigned initially.  After that, we are assigning the MailMessage.From property to a new instance of a MailAddress Object.  Since object properties that are not read-only are mutable (or can change), we use the <- operator to assign a value to the property.  This action is repeated to assign the Subject and Body properties on the last lines of the snippet.


Attaching a File:

The last item we have to do with our MailMessage object is to add the attachment.  The file we're going to use is a local text file.  For simplicity sake, we'll use the relative path to the file and assign it to a value first.  Then we'll add the file as a new attachment to our MailMessage object.

let filePath = @".\commadelimitedfile.txt"
mm.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(filePath))


Sending the Email:

We now have a perfectly good MailMessage object sitting in memory.  The only thing that's left to do is to send it out.

let client = new SmtpClient()
client.Host <- SMTPServer

The Full Project Source:

   1: #light
   3: let ToAddress = ""
   4: let FromAddress = ""
   5: let Subject = "F# Email Example"
   6: let SMTPServer = ""
   8: open System.Net.Mail
  10: let mm = new MailMessage()
  11: mm.To.Add(ToAddress)
  12: mm.From <- new MailAddress(FromAddress)
  13: mm.Subject <- Subject
  14: mm.Body <- "Hello, F# Email"
  16: let filePath = @".\CommaDelimitedFile.txt"
  17: let att = new Attachment(filePath)
  18: mm.Attachments.Add(att)
  20: let client = new SmtpClient()
  21: client.Host <- SMTPServer
  22: client.Send(mm)



This has been a very short and simple example on how to interact with the .Net framework objects and their properties.  At this point, some basic and typical tasks that are used in applications could be transposed to F# if you so desired.  With F# being a concise language, it has some benefits over traditional object-oriented languages.

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